Strategic Marketing Planning


Through this service offering, we help our public sector and non-profit clients set goals, define target audiences and align marketing mix strategies. Managers in these sectors are often required to develop strategic marketing plans to sell their programs or services, but don’t have the time or the skilled staff to prepare top level plans. Using a collaborative approach we will work with your team to prepare a strategic marketing plan and find solutions to your specific marketing challenges. Our marketing plan framework follows a basic marketing template; however it is adjusted to accommodate the unique needs of your organization. The process we use to develop a marketing plan has been used to launch countless successful initiatives. We continually update and refine it for optimal results.

Our step-by-step structured approach can be summarized as follows:

1.Review previous planning documents to determine the context for a comprehensive strategy. At this stage, we identify the key marketing issues and review information that is required for the marketing strategy. The first step involves a review of secondary sources, including any primary research studies that have been commissioned by our client and best practices from similar organizations.

2.Conduct a series of internal interviews with client, management and key stakeholders to identify what needs to be addressed in the strategic marketing plan, as well as any constraints and opportunities that might impact on delivery.

3.Facilitate a one-day Marketing Strategy Planning Session to identify core issues. The session should include the team responsible for implementing the marketing initiative as well as key stakeholders in the organization and potentially other key players from outside the organization including marketing, communication and research suppliers.

4.Develop a Draft Marketing Strategy that captures the information gathered and assessed through the research, interviews and planning session. We will also develop an evaluation plan for assessing performance against the objectives outlined in the marketing strategy. This will include setting indicators, examining issues of relevance, delivery, progress and ROI.

5.Submit the Final Strategic Marketing Plan; this will be a working document and will need to be adjusted on an ongoing basis by the client.

6.Develop an Implementation Plan to ensure deadlines are met and appropriate resources are allocated.

We also offer a coaching follow up service designed to assist organizations in implementing their marketing plan. This includes attending meetings, providing ongoing advice on every aspect of the plan and strategy, reviewing statements of work for suppliers and reviewing strategies, tactics and results.

Let’s Talk
