Webinar on Demand: Determining the Value of your Sponsorship and Corporate Partnership Assets

Like it or not, companies are comparing your sponsorship opportunities against similar offerings and marketing mediums to determine best value for their marketing investment. Your ability to demonstrate “value for dollar” and present a clear business case is paramount to being successful in this highly competitive marketplace.

This workshop will examine the critical elements of sponsorship value measurement and provide you with strategies and tools to help you move beyond the “value guessing game”. You will learn how to determine the value of your sponsorship and commercial partnership offerings and demonstrate their impact on achieving a wide range of corporate objectives. You will also learn how to communicate the value of your offerings in a language that resonates with business.

Once you make the purchase, you'll receive a link immediately to the slides.  Once your invoice has been processed, you'll receive a link to the Live Webinar to view at your convenience!

Price: $45.00

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